Sunday 18 May 2014

Argument Passing between Forms in Dynamics Ax 2009

Here a sample code to pass argument to one form to another form and using of Args() class.
1) Create two Forms named FormA and FormB
2)Use the EmplTable as the Datasource of both forms
3)Design FormA with one Grid and add 4 data fields to the Grid(EmplId,DEL_Name,Grade,EmplStatus…..)
4)Assign the datasource for the grid and the data fields
5)Add a Button in FormA
6)Override the Clicked() method and write the below code:
void Clicked()
Args    _args;
FormRun _formRun;
EmplId   _empId;
_empId = EmplTable.EmplId;  // Selected employee id in the Grid is assigned to the variable which is pass to the next form
_args = new Args(); // creating a object for args class;  // Form Menuitem
_args.caller(this);  // Form Caller(Current Form is mentioned as this)
_args.parm(_empId); // Employee Number is passed to next form[but parm() is not a best practise]
_args.record(EmplTable); // Table name is passed
_formRun = ClassFactory.formRunClass(_args); //new FormRun(_args);   // Creating object for FormRun
_formRun.init();   // Form Initialization for Load;  // Form Run for process
_formRun.wait(); // Form Wait for Display
7) Open the Second Form – FormB
8) Add one Grid Control and set the Data Source is EmplTable
9) Add 4 data fields as same in the Form A
10)Now Override the Init() of Form
public void init()
parmid      _parmId;
EmplTable   _EmplTable;
//     DictTable   _dictTable;    FormBuildDataSource   _ds;    FormBuildGridControl frmGrid; // These are for dynamic Form creation so leave it
_parmId =  element.args().parm(); // Getting the argument value from the Caller
if(!element.args().caller())   // Check the form is called by caller or directly, if directly it throw error
throw error(“Cant Run Directly”);
if(element.args().record().TableId == tablenum(EmplTable))   // check if the sent Table and the Current form table are equal or not
//        _EmplTable = element.args().record();  // Assign the Received Table name to Local Variable
//_dictTable = new DictTable(element.args().record().TableId);  // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//_ds = form.addDataSource(;  // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//_ds.table(;   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//frmGrid = form.addControl(FormControlType::Grid, “Grid”);   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//frmGrid.dataSource(;   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//info(strfmt(“%1     %2″,_EmplTable.EmplId,_EmplTable.DEL_Name));
//frmGrid.addDataField(,fieldnum(EmplTable, DEL_Name));  // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_EmplId.dataSource(_EmplTable);   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_EmplId.dataField(fieldnum(EmplTable,EmplID));   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_DEL_Name.dataSource(_EmplTable);   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_DEL_Name.dataField(fieldnum(EmplTable,EmplId));  // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_DEL_Email.dataSource(_EmplTable);   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_DEL_Email.dataField(fieldnum(EmplTable,EmplId));   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
super();  // Form Initialization
info(“DataSet Not Received”);  // throw error
11)Override the Init() of the DataSource
public void init()
switch(element.args().dataset())// get the table id sent by caller
case tablenum(EmplTable):  // check the table if matches with this tableid
_EmplID  =   element.args().parm();  // get the argument value
query   = new Query();            queryBuildRangeProj =                                          query.addDataSource(tablenum(EmplTable)).addRange(fieldnum(EmplTable,EmplId));          // query build for the form to display
queryBuildRangeProj.value(_emplId); // Criteria for the form
EmplTable_ds.query(query); // execution of the query
super(); //datasource  initialization on the form based on the criteria
12) Save it, and create two menu items for each.
13) It is important to change the runon property of the FormB as CalledFrom.
14)Run the FormA and select an Employee Record and click the button.
15)The FormB opens with the Related information of the Selected Employee on form.

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