Thursday 29 May 2014

Function in x++ for AX 2009 and AX 2012 ,X++

Important function in X++
I would like to share some important function in x++ Like subStr(), strCmp(),strDel() , strFind (),strfmt () ,strLen (),strLwr (),strUpr (),strRep(),systemDateGet(),today(),trunc (),boxExample (),conins(), conLen(), conPeek(), conNull() which seems to easy but some time became very tough to recall in between to coding, so don’t worry and keep coding…….
Sub String in X++
// for cut a string from given posititon SubStr("ABCDEFGHIJ",7,-4) returns the text string "DEFG" (the specified sub-string).

static void subStr(Args _args)
  str s;
  real  r;
    r = strLen("");
    s = subStr("",12, 2);

     print(strFmt("s=%1 and r=%2",s,r));

String Comparison in X++

static void strCmp(Args _args)
  int i=2;
  str s1,s2;
     s1="string 1";
     //s2="string 1";
     s2="string 2";
     i = strCmp(s1,s2);
       if (0 == i)
          print "s1 and s2 are the same";
            print "s1 and s2 are different";

String Deletion in X++
static void strDel(Args _args)
 str s;
   s = strDel("Kanhakumar", 5, 2);
     print s;
       pause;//for cut the string size first give from where it will cut thn give till thn it will cut

Find characters in string in X++
static void strFind(Args _args)
 int i;
   i = strfind("kanhakumar", "kan", 0, 3);
    if (1 == i)
        print "Characters are found in string";
        print "Characters are NOT found in string";
Strfmt()in X++
static void strfmt(Args _args)
  str s1 ="testing";
  int  s2 = 2;
  real s3 =4.56;
  str  s;
   s = strfmt("string =%1,Integer = %2, Real = %3, ", s1,s2,s3);
   print s;

Length of string in X++
// It will return no. of characters in given string
static void strLen(Args _args)
int i;
    i = strLen("kanha");

Convert string in lower  case in X++

static void strLwr(Args _args)
  str l;
      l = strLwr("KANHA");

Convert string in upper  case in X++
static void strUpr(Args _args)
  str u;
      u= strUpr("kanha");

Repetition of string in X++

static void strRep(Args _args)
  str r;
  r = strRep("xyz ", 5);

Convert date into string in x++
// we can get date according to own format
static void systemDateGet(Args _args)
  date d;
  str d1,d2,d3 ;
        d = systemdateget();
        d1 =  date2str(d,123,2,-1,2,-1,4);
        d2 =  date2str(d,231,2,-1,2,-1,2);
        d3 =  date2str(d,321,2,-1,2,-1,4);
    print(strFmt("dates are %1,%2,%3,%4",d,d1,d2,d3));

Truncate Real value in X++
// will round off all digit after decimal(.)
static void trunc(Args _args)
real t;
    t = trunc(4.6789);
    print strfmt("t = %1",  t);

Creation of Dialog in X++
static void dialogTest(Args _args)
Dialog dialog;
DialogGroup dialogGroup;
DialogField dialogField;
dialog = new Dialog("Test Dialog");
dialogGroup = dialog.addGroup("Customer Details");
dialogField = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(Custaccount),"Account Number");;  

Create box for prompt in X++

static void boxExample(Args _args)

 if(box::yesNo("Are u sure to close this form",dialogbutton::No,"Box Title")==dialogbutton::yes)
    print("Not closing......");


Container Operation in X++
// conins to insert into container
// conLen() for the size of the container
// conPeek() to get contents of container item
// conNull() to Assign null value
static void conpeek(Args _args)
container c;
int i;
  c =["item1", "item2","kan"];
  c= conIns(c,2,"test");
   for (i = 1 ; i <= conLen(c) ; i++) 
      print conPeek(c, i);

Rounding in X++
I recently had to do some rounding in X++ on a real variable. This was due to some custom Rebate code. Anyway, I have some sample code here for rounding. I found it strange really how the synatx had to be and could not find anywhere on the internet what the synatx needed to be, so here you go:

server static void RoundExample(Args _args)
real r = 7.8413;
real a;

a = round(r,0.01);
r = a;

Anyway, if you put 0.00 in the decimal, then no decimal is used, but if you supply 0.01 in the decial variable then it works great. So if you wanted to round to 0.0000 then you would need to put there 0.0001.

strRem Removes the characters specified in one string from another string.
str strRem(str text1, str text2) where text1 : The string from which to remove characters.text2 : The characters to exclude from the output string.
Retrieves part of a string.
str subStr(str _text, int _position, int _number)
where_text : The original string._position : The position in the original string where the part to retrieve begins.
_number : A signed integer that indicates the direction and number of positions to retrieve from the original string.
If there is a minus sign preceding _number, the system selects the substring backward from the specified position.
Creates a copy of a string with the specified substring removed.
str strDel( str _text, int _position, int _number)
where_text : The string to copy from_position : The position at which to begin ignoring characters during the copy.
_number : The number of characters to ignore.
A minus in front of _number parameter indicates that the (_number-1) characters before the character at the _position parameter are to be removed along with the character at the _position.
Formats the specified string and substitutes any occurrences of %n with the nth argument.
str strFmt(str _string, …)where _string : The strings to be formatted.
example: to set the number of page in a report :
Display STR 20 pageNum()
return StrFmt(“@SYS24160″,;
Converts a real number to a string.
str num2Str(
real number,
int character,
int decimals,
int separator1,
int separator2)where: number The real number to convert to a string.
character The minimum number of characters required in the text.
decimals The required number of decimal places.
separator1 A DecimalSeparator enumeration value.
separator2 A ThousandSeparator enumeration value.
static void Job_Num2Str(Args _args)
real realNum = 0.1294567890123456777; // 19 decimals places.
info(Num2Str(realNum,0,16,1,3)); // 16 decimals
info(Num2Str(realNum,0,17,1,3)); // 17 decimals
} Round Rounds a real number to the nearest multiple of another real number.real round(real _arg, real _decimals) _arg The original number.
_decimals The number that the value of the _arg parameter must be rounded to a multiple of.
Examples:round(123.45,5.00); //Returns the value 125.00.
round(7.45,1.05); //Returns the value 7.35.
round(23.9,5.0); //Returns the value 25.00;
round(26.1,5.0); //Returns the value 25.00;
Returns the size of a string
int strLen ( Str _text )
Retrieves a specific element from a container.
anytype conPeek(container container, int number)Example:static void conPeekExample(Args _arg)
container c;
int i;
c = conIns(["item1", "item2"], 1);
for (i = 1 ; i {
print conPeek(c, i);
Converts all the letters in a string to uppercase.
str strUpr(str _text)
static void strUprExample(Args _args)
print strUpr(“Abcdd55EFGhiJ”);
strLwrConverts all the letters in a string to lowercase. str strLwr(str _text)
static void strLwrExample(Args _args)
// Returns the text string “abcdd55efghij”.
print strLwr(“Abcdd55EFGHIJ”);
Units We use it to set the unit of a dimension.Example :“CustInvoiceJour_InvoicingName”);, Units::mm);
Global::dateEndYr Method
Retrieves the date of the last day in the same year as the specified date.
client server public static date dateEndYr(date transDate)
Global::DateMthFwd Method
Adds the specified number of months to a date.
client server public static date DateMthFwd(date transDate, int qty)
Global::DateStartYr Method
Retrieves the first date of the specified year.
client server public static date DateStartYr (date transDate)
tableName2Id FunctionRetrieves the ID of a table.
int tableName2Id(str _name

1 comment:

  1. Excellent piece of knowledge,I was really impressed by seeing this article, it was very intresting and it is very useful.I hope you can continue and post more.
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