Wednesday 18 June 2014

Interview Question and Answer

Question and Answer
1. What is the type of relations /what relations are allowed on EDT / What if there is relation on
one field which is present on EDT as well as Table?
Normal & Field Fixed Relation:
LedgerJournalTrans which contains manually entered journal lines. Depending on the
account type, when the user selects the Lookup button on the account field, a different
table will be selected such as ledger, customer or vendor tables. If you check the
Relations LedgerTable, CustTable and VendTable in the table LedgerJournalTrans, you
will notice the relations are created using two normal relation fields and one field fixed
Relation for the account type.
Related Field Fixed:
Display only invoiced sales order based on sales status enum.
An Extended data type can also have a relation to a table. However, if a table has relations on the
same field, the table relation will overrule an extended data type relation.
On table we can define all 3 types of relations but on EDT we can define only Normal and related
field fixed relation.
2. Can we change the size of string type EDT if it extends to other EDT, e.g.
EDT 1: ItemID extends ItemIDBase (string size: 20) so default size of ItemId is also 20, so can
we change the string size of ItemID?
NO, we can only change the display height and length by EDT property but not the size
of the ItemID EDT.
3. What is application object ID’S? E.g. ID property on Table?
Several application objects are stored and referenced internally by using IDs rather than
names. These application object types are ID-based: tables, fields, indexes, maps,
extended data types, base enums, configuration keys, security keys, and classes.
Having ID-based application object types allows you to change the name of one of these
object types and immediately see the change reflected everywhere that the application
object is referenced by its ID.
Others who make modifications or additions in another layer to the application you
supply, for example in the BUS Layer, store their modifications by using the IDs. They
rely wholly on the IDs in the application you supply.
When you supply a new version of your application, the modifications or additions that
others made to the original version of the application work only if the IDs in the
application objects you supplied are not changed.
X++ code is name-based. This means that when an application object is renamed, you
need to go through everywhere the object is not referenced by its ID. X++ code and
inherited classes will generate compile errors.
Question and Answer
4. Table main properties such as FormRef, MaxAccessMode uses :
Specifies the display menu item that is activated when a table is referenced. A display
menu item is associated with a form.
When you use a primary index field on a report, this form is available as a link in the
report. A primary index is specified by using the PrimaryIndex property.
If you leave this field blank, the system attempts display a form that has the same name
as the table.
Specifies the output menu item that is activated when a table is referenced. An output
menu item is associated with a report.
When you use a primary index field on a report, this report is available as a link in the
report. A primary index is specified using the PrimaryIndex property.
TitleField1, TitleField2
Enables you to do the following:
Add table field data to a form caption.
Display additional fields in a lookup form. For more information, see Create Lookup
Forms. The TitleField1 property is also used when activating the lookup list in a field on
a form. The fields you specify for TitleField1 and TitleField2 properties can be merged
with the key value.
Marks a table as temporary if you need to gather temporary information in a table format.
Temporary tables are not persistent. They are written to local disk storage, but not stored
in the database.
Indicates if a table appears as a System table. It can then be filtered out during export and
System tables are always synchronized when you log in. This may be useful for tables
that you use as soon as you log in.
Specifies the access rights when the table is used as a data source in a form or a report.
If the table is used as a data source in a form, then the access rights in the form cannot
exceed the access rights defined for the table.
Options : Default : NoAccess,view,edit,add & delete
Specifies the type of operation that a user can perform on a table, depending on the user's
When the property is set to None, an authorization check is not performed.
Question and Answer
Determines how to cache the records retrieved during a lookup operation.
Default : None,NotIntts,found,foundAndEmpty & EntireTable
Indicates whether the data for the current company is saved.
If you set the property to No, data is saved without a company identifier (DataAreaId).
Specifies whether the optimistic concurrency mode is enabled for a table.
When this mode is enabled, data is not locked from future modification when it is fetched
from the database. Data is locked only when the actual update is performed.
5. What are field groups on table?
Field groups are widely used when creating forms and reports. Instead of adding fields
one by one to a design, you should add field groups. If a field group is later changed, e,g,
when adding a new field to a group, then the new field will automatically be available
everywhere that specific field group is used.
6. What are delete actions on table?
To assure data consistency delete actions are used.
Restricted: prevent deleting a record that is used in related tables.
E.g. System does not allow deleting customer if transactions exist
Cascade: will delete related records.
Cascade + Restricted : A delete action can be set to a third mode called “Cascade +
Restricted”. This delete action mode will act as restricted if used from the table browser
or from a form.
Deleting a record using X++, this mode will perform a cascade delete from the related
table without calling validateDelete().
select forupdate myTable where myTable.accountNum == "10";
if (myTable.validateDelete())
When deleting records using X++ some rules must be followed to have the delete
actions validated. In this example a record is fetched from MyTable. Before the record
is deleted a validation is made. If the record was just deleted without calling
validateDelete(), the delete action would not be validated, which could cause
inconsistent data.
Question and Answer
7. What are the types of indexes used on table? Pros and Cons? What is use of Index
There are two main types of indexes that we can have on a Microsoft SQL Server
backend Database. These are normal and clustered indexes. Normal index can be viewed
as the index in the back of a book. We first look in the index for a topic. After finding the
topic in alphabetical order we also find the page number or address of the topic in the
book. We then use the address to easily find the topic. If we did not have this index we
would have to search sequentially through the book and the larger the book the greater
the effort and time to either find a topic or realize that it does not exist.
This is similar to a normal index in the database where we have the data stored in one file
and the index stored in another file in the order specified. The database engine using the
index will first look in the index file then retrieve the address of the record that is used to
locate the record in the data file.
For clustered index the records in the data file are sorted in the order of the index. We
therefore do not have a separate index file from the data file as we have for normal index.
You should also note that it is only possible to have one clustered index per table, since
the records may only be sorted in one order at any time. You can have several normal
indexes and one clustered index for each table. Clustered indexes are more efficient since
the index is the actual data records and hence you do not need to seek in another file after
finding the key.
The Primary Index of a table is the main index that is used to uniquely identify records in
it. No duplicated values are allowed in this index and all fields in the index are required.
You can designate a clustered or normal index as the primary index. Since the primary
index is the main index you should gain optimum performance by designating a clustered
index for this purpose.
Please note that indexes in general improve performance for search but not for inserts or
update, since the overhead of organizing and or writing the index is involved.
Index hint
Gives the database a hint to use this index to sort the selected records as defined by the
index. The database can ignore the hint.
A wrong index hint can have a big performance impact. Index hints should only be
applied to SQL statements that do not have dynamic where clauses or order by clauses,
and where the effect of the hint can be verified.
Question and Answer
8. What is Link type property on form data source? Type of joins? Use of Link active
method on form data source?
LinkType Property
Options : Use Passive, Delayed, and Active when you join data sources that have a
parent/child relationship, and InnerJoin, OuterJoin, ExistJoin, and NotExistJoin should
be used when joining data sources to appear as one data source.
Linked child data sources are not updated automatically. Updates of the child data source
must be programmed on the active method of the master data source.
A pause is inserted before linked child data sources are updated. This enables faster
navigation in the parent data source because the records from child data sources are not
updated immediately. For example, the user could be scrolling past several orders without
immediately seeing each order lines.
The child data source is updated immediately when a new record in the parent data
source is selected. Continuous updates consume lots of resources.
Selects records from the main table that have matching records in the joined table and
vice versa.
There is one record for each match. Records without related records in the other data
source are eliminated from the result.
Selects records from the main table whether they have matching records in the joined
Selects a record from the main table for each matching record in the joined table.
The differences between InnerJoin and ExistJoin are as follows:
When the join type is ExistJoin, the search ends after the first match has been found.
When the join type is InnerJoin, all matching records are searched for.
Select records from the main table that do not have a match in the joined table.
If calling a related sub form, linkActive() will be called each time a new record is
selected in the main form. LinkActive() will call executeQuery(). See form
Question and Answer
9. What are form control methods? How to color form grid lines? How to color all form’s
background color based on the company?
The following methods are executed in the listed order when a form is
opened and closed:
init() _ ds init() _ run() _ ds executeQuery() _ canClose() _ close()
To color form grid lines display option() method is used
SysSetupFormRun is the application class that is called by the system every time a user
runs a form. The best place to add our custom code is to override the run() method and
place it under the super().
We use to get a reference to the form's design. By calling colorScheme() and
backgroundColor(), we set the color scheme to red/green/blue and the color code to red.
10. What is transaction tracking system / tts?
Transaction Tracking System normally referred to as TTS is used for tracking
transactions. The idea is to secure the entire transaction to be committed to
the database. This is vital for a relational database and even more for an ERP system.
Whilst performing an invoice posting you must ensure that this does not result in
corrupt data if the system crashes. TTS secures that all database operations within a
TTS loop are committed entirely or not.
Every time you are performing an insert, update or delete you should use the TTS. In
fact you cannot update a record without doing it in a TTS loop. A TTS loop is
initialized by using the keyword ttsbegin. The keyword ttscommit will write all data
operations within the TTS loop to the database. A loop can be aborted by using the
keyword ttsabort, which will roll back the database to the starting point. If the system
crashes, a ttsabort will automatically be invoked by the database.
11. What is RecID and recVersion?
Recid : Unique Identification of the record
Rec version : recVersion field gets whenever record is updated.
12. What is Cross reference, code profiler, Reindexing ?
Cross reference: Tool to know where objects, labels, variables are used in the system
Code profiler: Calculates execution time of the query
Reindexing: Regenerates the indexes. i.e. axapd.aoi() file is recreated. At SQL, system
adjusts the fill factor and removes dirty pages from the db which improves the
Question and Answer
13. How to perform data migration in production environment without taking company
data backup from ax or sql db backup? What Class is used while importing data? What is
use of import criteria?
Excel templates are used for data migration in above scenario.
Import criteria is used to write code logic before actual data import
Classe: SysDataTableCtrl is called during excel data import.
Instead of writing the code on import criteria it is better to write the code logic during
import in import class. For this we have to specify the table name in construct method
and then create a subclass to override doinsert() and doupdate() methods called during
import. While importing data we can validate data by specifying validation level on
definition group
None : Sytem will not validate data before inserting/updating
Table : System will call validatewrite() before inserting/updating
Field : System will call validatewrite() & validateField() before inserting/updating
14. How to auto kill ideal sessions in AX after specific time?
Automatic shutdown option in user options where we can specify ideal session time
If we specify: 20, if session is idle then it will automatically get closed after 20 mins
15. What is difference between Axapta Kernel and Axapta Application?
In a 3-tier installation Axapta Application is stored on AOS, what about the kernel?
Kernel is that part of the application that is not exposed to the developer for altering. The
behavior of the kernel is encapsulated in the application and is automatically executed as
originally intended. For example, when a record is saved the kernel automatically assigns
a RECID to the RECID field.
The AOS is a windows service that loads and executes the application in memory on the
local computer where it is installed. The application may be placed on a drive on the
computer running the AOS or on a network share.
Question and Answer
16. What is AOS Load balancing & Clustering?
Load-balancing when multiple computers are linked together to share computational
workload or function as a single virtual computer. Logically, from the user side, they are
multiple machines, but function as a single virtual machine. Requests initiated from the
user are managed by, and distributed among, all the standalone computers to form a
cluster. This results in balanced computational work among different machines,
improving the performance of the cluster system.
Manage AOS load balancing
You can load balance across multiple computers that are running Microsoft Dynamics
AX Application Object Server (AOS) instances.
Set up load balancing
The options for a load balancing topology include:
· Add AOS instances to a cluster and run the cluster without a load balancer.
If you set up a cluster without a load balancer, you can use client configurations to
set clients to connect to one or more AOS instances that have load balancing
enabled. If an administrator needs to remove a computer from the cluster, and one
or more client configuration is pointing to it, the client configuration must be
updated. No additional hardware is required for this topology.
· Add AOS instances to a cluster and configure one or more AOS instances to be a
load balancer.
If you set up a cluster with a load balancer, you must use client configurations to
set clients to connect to the AOS that has been set as the load balancer. You can
then add and remove instances from the cluster without needing to update client
configurations. Additional hardware may be required to set up a computer as a
load balancer.
Add AOS instances to a cluster
1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative
Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration Utility).
2. Verify that the currently selected (AOS) instance and configuration are the ones
that you want to modify.
3. Select Make this AOS instance part of the load balancing cluster.
Question and Answer
4. Set a value for the maximum number of client sessions that the AOS instance will
Set up an AOS to be a load balancer
1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative
Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration Utility).
2. Verify that the currently selected (AOS) instance and configuration are the ones
that you want to modify.
3. Select Use this AOS instance for load balancing only (accept no client
Manage members of a cluster
As part of maintenance, you may need to temporarily remove and add AOS instances
from a cluster. To add and remove members of a cluster, you control whether an instance
accepts or rejects new client connections.
Set an AOS instance to reject new clients
1. Open a Microsoft Dynamics AX client.
2. Open the Online users form. (Administration > Online users).
3. On the Server Instances tab, select the AOS instance.
4. When the number of clients connected to the AOS reaches 0, it is safe to perform
Add an AOS instance to a cluster
1. Open the Online users form. (Administration > Online users).
2. On the Server Instances tab, select the AOS instance.
17. What is Reverse Engineering Tool in Axapta?
Path: Tools-> Development tools -> Reverse Engineer. The Reverse Engineering toll is
used to generate UML & ER (Entity Relationship: In terms of AX, relationship between
the objects) Diagrams which shows the relationships between the objects.
Question and Answer
18. Layer structure differences in AX 4.0 and 2009?
New Layers in Dynamics AX 2009
4 layers have been renamed in Dynamics AX 2009. DIS / DIP / LOS / LOP have become
HFX / SL1 / SL2 / SL3 respectively. HFX is reserved for releasing hot fixes, and the 3
new solution layers (SL1/SL2/SL3) will be used to release Microsoft Dynamics Industry
The purpose of having 3 solution layers is to enable side-by-side install of Industry
Solutions. At deployment time any SL1 layer can be renamed to SL2, SL3, BUS or BUP
through a regular file rename. The AOS will recognize the layer, and honor its position in
the layer stack. This will enable installing up to 3 Industry Solutions on the same system
(or up to 5 Industry Solutions if the BUS and BUP layers are vacant.)
CUS: This layer is meant to be used by customization made by the customer itself.
VAR: Partners use this layer for their customization which is customer specific.
The layer requires a license code.
BUS: The lowest layer the partners have access to. Partners can use this layer for their
own modules. The layer requires a license code.
GLS : Solution Providers are using this layer. Used for global certified modules created
by sub suppliers and licensed by Microsoft, such as the CRM and HRM modules.
Question and Answer
19. What are table collections?
Table collections can be used to share a table for a part of companies. The benefit is that
you will not have to change any settings on the existing tables. A new table collection is
created by creating a new table collection node and dragging the tables to be share to the
new table collection. A table collection is just a template for tables to be shared by any
number of companies. Defining which companies to share the tables of a table collection,
is defined from the main menu.
The form SysDataAreaVirtual is used to define virtual companies. Table collections are
shared using a virtual company. You cannot switch to a virtual company like any normal
company. Virtual Company is just the term used to for sharing a table collection among a
set for companies. In the form you pick which companies to share specific table
collections. Before creating a virtual company you should export data for the
tables used in the table collection, as existing data will be deleted from these tables
when added to a virtual company.
When using table collection for setup tables such as customer groups, setting up a virtual
company will be easy. If you are going to share data from main tables like the inventory
table, you should do some more investigation as you cannot only share the table
InventTable. You must include all tables which are related to InventTable.
Q. What is caching of Display and Edit method ?
The performance of display methods can be improved by caching them if they are
calculated on Application Object Server (AOS). Caching display methods can also
improve performance when records are transferred from the server to the client.
The display method's value is set when data is fetched from the back-end database, and
the value is refreshed when the reread method is called on the form data source.
edit methods cannot be cached.
Add a display Method to the Cache
1. Locate the form that the method is used on.
2. Expand the Data Sources node.
3. Right-click the data source that the method is associated with, and then select
Override Method > init.
4. Call the FormDataSource.cacheAddMethod method after the call to super() in the
init method.
Question and Answer
The first parameter for cacheAddMethod determines the name of the method to be
cached. The second parameter (set to true by default) determines whether the value of
the display method is updated when a record is written to the database.
public void init()
20. What is usage data? Where it is stored?
When a user changes the layout of a form, changes the query of a form or enters values in
a report dialog, the settings will the saved. The usage data is stored in the system table
SysLastValue. Only one record exists per object per user, as only the value of the last
execution is stored. If you want to see the usage data for all users, you can call the usage
data form from Tools | Development Tools | Application Objects | Usage data.
The Usage Data form shows the content of the system table SysLastValue for the current
user, divided into tab pages for each type of object. The general tab page has a button to
delete all content of SysLastValue for the current user. This is quite handy if you are
going to test your modifications, as you then can start out testing with the same settings
as the application user will have the first time a form or report is executed.
21. What are Table MAP and Class MAP?
Table MAP is used for used reusability. The most common map in MorphX is
AddressMap. Address information is used in several tables and validation of address
information like zip code will not differ whether
entered for an employee or a customer. Mapping all tables using addresses to the same
map will makes it easy to reuse the code of a map as you will not have to worry about the
naming of fieldnames in a specific table.
Map (Foundation class) consist of a data set that contains a key and a corresponding
value, where the key is unique. The key and the value need not be from the same data
type. A Map is always sorted on the key value.
To get values from MAP MapEnumerator/Iterator is used .
MapEnumerator Class is like MapIterator Class, but does not allow the deletion of
elements during enumeration. MapEnumerator Class automatically created on the same
tier as the Map Class, and MapIterator does not so its better to use enumerator over
Question and Answer
22. What are configuration and security keys? What are user groups?*.aug file?
If a configuration key is disabled, the related objects will not show up in menus, forms or
reports and no one will have access to those related objects. Configuration keys are
defined in a tree hierarchy where the top configuration key is related to a license code.
The form SysConfiguration shows the hierarchy of configuration keys. Only
configuration keys where the related license code has been entered can be enabled and
the top level configuration key can only be disabled by removing the license code. If you
have all license codes entered not all configuration keys are enabled by default. Some
configuration keys are, by default, disabled. This goes for advanced features and country
specific features.
Where configuration keys are setting access for all users, security keys will set access
for a group of users or per user.
Security keys must be added to all tables, maps views and menu items.
Record Level Security:
Administration > Setup > Security > Record level security.
Allow members of a Sales user group to see only the accounts they manage.
User Groups: Security can be defined at user group level.
User group can contain 1 or more users.
Security permissions can be exported to *.aug file and can be imported as well.
23. Cross company support AX 2009?
Cross company support in forms, reports, queries and X++. You can display records
from different companies in a single form (or report).
24. How to move customization from development to production environment? take
application backup?
Copy following files from dev to prod to move the customization
*.aod file stores customization e.g axVar.aod, axCus.aod
, *.ald stores label,*.alc stores label comments.
25. How to move company data from dev to prod?
Export company data in dev environment creates *.dat file which can be imported to prod
26. What if we pass null parameter to super? E.g super (0)? What is use of super?
Super will not execute.
27. What Is RunBase framework?
Below are the classes used for RunBase framework.
RunBase : Is used for tasks which should not be batch able.
RunBaseBatch : Is used to give the application user the option to schedule a batch job for
the task.
RunBaseReport : Only used for heavy reports and is therefore a subclass of
Question and Answer
The runbase framework has two primary functions. To create a similar layout for dialogs
presented to the application users and to make it possible to schedule a process
to be batch able. The classes prefixed with RunBase* are referred to as the runbase
28. What are foundation classes?
Structs, structures of named fields,
Arrays, arrays of any type, not just simple type
Lists, lists allowing traversal with enumerators
Maps, dictionaries allowing lookup of values, yielding a result value
Sets, ordered groups where duplicates cannot occur.
These are name / value pairs that can be built and queried at runtime. They can be very
useful for a number of situations where a class might otherwise be used. The example
below creates a struct with two fields, adds a values and retrieves them:
struct s = new struct('int age; str name');
s.Value('age', 12);
s.Value('name', 'John Doe');
print strFmt('%1 : %2 years of age', s.Value('name'), s.Value('age'));
Arrays are (as the name implies) arrays of elements that are accessed by index. They
grow as required, leaving default values of the given type for hitherto unused elements.
They're very useful because they can contain reference types (i.e. object instances and
tables), which normal X++ arrays cannot. They can also easily be passed as parameters
and be returned as return values from methods, something that also eludes the normal
X++ arrays.
array a = new array(Types::integer); // Array of ints
int i;
for (i = 1; i < 100; i++)
a.Value(i, 2*i);
Question and Answer
print CalculateSum(a); // Pass as parameter
Lists are simply a sequence of objects. List elements can be inserted at the start or at the
end of the list. There is no ordering of the elements other than the order in which they
were inserted.
list names = new list(types::string);// List of strings
Sets are used to contain elements in such a way that there is only a single element of a
given value at a given time. It is also guaranteed that traversal of the set using
enumerators and iterators will return the elements in order, smaller before larger.
set uniqueInts = new set(types::integer);
SetEnumerator se;
uniqueInts.Add(11); // Already there.
se = uniqueInts.GetEnumerator();
while (se.moveNext())
print se.current();
Maps are structures that map one value onto another. People using the .NET framework
will know these as SortedDictionary<TDomain, TRange>. As for sets, they can be
traversed with enumerators and will always return smaller values before larger ones.
Operations are available to look a value in the range set given a domain value, and to
check whether any given value exists in the domain.
Map intToString = new Map(types::integer, types::string);
Question and Answer
intToString.insert(1, "One");
intToString.insert(2, "Two");
if (intToString.exists(1))
print intToString.Lookup(1);
I have deliberatly not gone into enumerators and iterators, because they are not the issue
in this blog. You can find more information about the container classes and how they can
be used in
Now, the question that I need your help on is this: The AFC classes as mentioned above
accept NULL values to be inserted into them. For instance, if you are maintaining a set of
query objects, then it is perfectly legal to insert NULL into such a set:
Set qs = new Set(Types::Class);
Query q = null;
qs.Add(new Query());
qs.Add(new Query());
qs.Add(q); // Perfectly legal.
print qs.elements(); // == 3
29. What are methods to get Lookup?
SysTableLookup class is used to get customized lookup
Lookup by EDT relation
Lookup by Table relation
Lookup by lookup form
30. What is view?
To make extraction of data easier, views can be used. A view is the result of an inner join
of two or more tables. Views are read only and support aggregated functions on the
fetched data. You can use views as an alternative to data sources in a report.
However providing data for OLAP cubes is the main purpose with views. Views are
synchronized to the database. This makes views useful if you need to read data from an
Axapta table using external tools as you can fetch data directly from the database instead
of using the COM interface.
Question and Answer
31. What data types are not allowed on indexes?
Container, memo
32. What is composite query?
A composite query uses another query as its data source. A composite query is similar to
class inheritance in X++ or C#.
A composite query is a good design choice when one of the following is true:
An existing query lacks only a range that you want to add.
An existing query lacks only a method override that you want to add.
33. What is difference between AOT query and X++ query?
AOT Query
Queries stored in the AOT can be used in any part of your code. An AOT query cannot
be declared like a type or a table. You will have to use a system classes to execute your
query. Still it makes an AOT query very flexible as only a few code lines is required to
integrate your query in any part of code. If you later on decide to change your AOT query
like changing the way data is filtered, you changes will reflect all places the query is
used. The disadvantage is that it can be unclear which query to use. If you find a query in
the AOT fitting your needs you will not now where the query is used, unless using the
cross reference system. Making changes to such a query could have fatal consequences.
So you will probably ending up creating your own query in the AOT.
X++ Query
Query can both be built and executed from X++ using the system classes prefixed with
Query*. Typically simple queries or queries only to be use for a specific purpose are built
using X++.
Classes used for X++ query: SysQuery,SysQueryRun,QueryBuildDataSource
34. What is use of temporary table / *setTmpData() method use ?
Temporary tables are used for non-persistent storage in Microsoft Axapta. They are
useful in two common situations
1. As the datasource for a form or report, where the original data is too complex to
be easily queried.
2. As temporary storage during complicated processing, to hold the results midway
through the process.
In general, each instance of a temporary table, and it's associated data, will only exist
while the buffer variable used to access it is in scope. You can point multiple buffer
variables to the same instance of a temporary table by using either the .setTmpData()
method or by directly assigning the buffers to each other, identically to normal tables. In
this way, even if your original buffer variable goes out of scope, your data will be
retained while one of the other referencing variables remains.
Question and Answer
35. What is Static modifier / static method with e.g.?
By default methods are created as instance methods. This means that you must declare a
class object before being able to access the method. If the keyword static is added to
method you can access the method without declaring the class object.
Example : find method
36. What are access modifiers?
Default behavior for classes and methods. A public class can be inherited and class
methods can be overridden in subclasses and called outside the class.
Only methods can be protected. A protected method can override in subclasses, but can
only be used inside the class hierarchy.
Both classes and methods can be set as private. However this will only affects methods.
A private method can only be used within the current class.
37. What are default nodes in AX class ?
An application class has 3 default nodes: ClassDeclaration, new and finalize.
Default application class nodes. In ClassDeclaration global variables for the class is
defined. Variables can only be declared in ClassDeclaration, you cannot initialize
variables. Only variables declared locally in methods can be initialized at the same time.
Macros to be global for the class are also declared in ClassDeclaration.
38. What is use of new() and finalize() method of Class?
Invoking new() will call the constructor for the class. A constructor is used to initialize a
class. Several programming languages have a method by the same name of the class.
This method is referred to as the constructor. This practice is not used in MorphX as
new() is used as the constructor.
The method finalize() is used to remove the class from memory. After finalize() is called
you will not be able to reference the class object. This is not a method which is called
automatically as the garbage collector will automatically remove objects not used
anymore from memory. It is not common practice to call finalize() each time an object
is not used anymore. Even though you have a loop initiating the same class for each loop,
you would not have to call finalize() as the garbage collector is set to run when a specific
number of objects are no longer used.
It will make sense using finalize() if you object is not intended to be used any more, and
to prevent other objects using your class object.
Question and Answer
39. What is final Class?
Setting a class to final will prevent the class to be overridden. The reason could be that
you would either force the use of the class as it is. The class might be intended to be
used by another class or the class may be used to provide data to another class. The final
class InventOnhand is an example of this.
A final method cannot be overridden by a subclass. Only instance methods can be
qualified as final, as a static method cannot be overridden. Defining a method as final
will only prevent inheriting. The method will have the same access level as a public
40. What is Abstract Class?
An abstract class or method is the exact opposite of a final. The use of abstract classes is
a way of planning inheritance as it forces creating a subclass for using the class, as an
abstract class cannot be declared. This is often used in the standard package for super
classes to control that the super class is not declared by mistake. The class
SalesFormLetter which is used for creating documents such as sales confirmations and
sales invoices uses this practice. The class has an construct() method which should be
used, and to prevent the class being declared using new() SalesFormLetter is qualified as
Methods can be declared as abstract, but only if the class is abstract. An abstract method
must be overridden as an abstract method cannot have a code block. Abstract methods
contains only a parameter profile. You can however use the macro call #if.never to add
"code" to an abstract method. This will help clarify why this method must be overridden
in the subclass. You might wonder why you should not simply add comments in the
abstract method. The point is that code within the macro call is shown in color as with
any other code in the editor making it easier to differentiate comments and code. Note
that no validation is done on code written in the #if.never macro so anything could be
written. It is optional to qualify methods of an abstract class as abstract. For this reason
you will still be able to add variables in the ClassDeclaration of an abstract class.
The access modifiers protected can be use with abstract methods. An abstract method
cannot be static, as the static methods only exist in the super class.
41. What is Interface Class?
MorphX can only handle single inheritance, meaning that only one super class is allowed.
This is not bad at all, as in languages supporting multi inheritance it can be tricky getting
an overview of the class hierarchy.
Another option exists as you can create interface classes and implement the interface
classes in your sub class. Like abstract classes and methods an interface class cannot be
declared and the methods of an interface class cannot contain code. So what is the
difference between an abstract class and an interface? Well an abstract class is used to
give instructions on the content of a subclass. An interface does not have to be part of the
hierarchy. You can implement more than one interface for a class. Interfaces are used for
common tasks like the interface SysPackable which is controlling that the methods for
storing the last values of a dialog are created.
Question and Answer
interface MyClass_Interface
An interface is in fact not a real class. When creating an interface you are replacing the
class keyword with interface. Interfaces can be inherited by another interface, but a class
cannot inherit an interface, a class implements an interface.
public abstract class Runbase extends Object implements sysSaveable, sysRunable
42. Difference between 2 tier and 3 tier?
An Axapta installation can be configured to run as a 2-tier or 3-tier installation. Where a
2-tier installation consists of a client and a server, a 3-tier installation also has an
Application Object Server, also called AOS. Without an AOS server the workload is on
the client instead which will result in more calls between the database server and the
client. An AOS will reduce the traffic between database and client as the AOS will
communicate with the database instead, making it possible only to have calls to client
when communicating with the user interface.
43. What is use of args() ?
Args have been used as a parameter variable.
A run able class must have Args as parameter in the main() method. The purpose of Args
is to transfer parameters between objects. If you are calling a run able class from a form
you can use Args to pass a formRun object making it possible to query data in the form,
or even execute methods in the calling form.
44. What is use of dialog class?
A dialog is the user interface of a class. When you need a dialog for your class you
should use the runbase framework as dialogs is an integrated part of the framework. The
classes prefixed with Dialog* are used by the framework. Simple form features like
grouping fields, adding lookups to related fields are provided by the dialog classes. You
can add additional buttons to your dialog like calling a query. If your class is inherited
from the RunBaseReport class your report query and printer settings will automatically
be wrapped in the dialog.
45. CustAccount field added by dialog, If user enters wrong customer account and click
ok button of dialog , will system throws error that custAccount does not found in relating
table on dialog ?
No, system will not throw error. To handle such errors we need to override the validate or
validate_<control name> method on dialog.
46. What is use of Global class?
All methods in the Global class are static methods. You can create instance methods in
the Global class. However using an instance method would require declaring the class.
Question and Answer
The idea with Global is to have a collection of function create in X++ which can be
referenced without specifying the class name. Methods in global are referred in the same
way as a system function.
Several of the methods are a supplement to the functions used for base type operations
like the Global method date2StrUsr() which convert a variable of the type date to a string
formatted by the user default date settings.
47. What is use of label file?
The label system is one of the powerful features of Axapta making the application
handling of multi languages easy. Instead of entering the text for a field or a help text
directly in the code, a label id is added. The label id is drawn from the label system which
holds information of the corresponding text for label in each language.
The label id has the systax: @<label file id><label number>, like @SYS1002. The label
file id is a three character id. Label number is a forth running number, increased when a
label is added. In the Axapta application folder, a set of labels files exist for each label
file id. The labels files are named AX<label file id><language id>.<extension> like
AXSYSEN-US.ALD. For an overview of the label files, see figure 51: Label files.
File extension Description
A text file containing all labels for the label file id.
Comments added in the label system are stored in this file.
Index file for the label file id. If this file is missing, the file will automatically be created
first time the label system is accessed.
48. What is difference between pass by reference and pass by value?
Pass by reference:
Declare varible and set it :
SalesLine salesLine = salesLine4
Down-side is if salesLine4 changes - so does salesLine
Pass by value:
SalesLine salesLine;;
49. What is difference between method and Macro?
Macros can be created under the Macro node in the AOT, as a local macro in a method
or a single line defining a constant. The main difference between a macro and a method
is that a macro has no variable declaration part, and the code in a macro is not validated
for errors before executed from a method. This is one of the main reasons not to put
code in macros, as it makes the code more difficult to read.
When using macros in your code, the macros must be declared after the variable
declaration. The common place to put the definition is in the ClassDeclaration of a class,
form or a report. This will make the macro definition available for all parts of the object.
Question and Answer
50. What is polymorphism?
Poly means “Many” and morph means “Forms” .Many forms of one object is called
Polymorphism is a core concept in OOP and goes hand in hand with inheritance. You can
use an object from type of a subclass always like an object from type of a superclass. By
example if you create a class that extends RunBaseBatch you can use it always like a
RunBaseBatch Object.
class MyBatch extends RunBaseBatch
RunBaseBatch batch = new MyBatch();;
51. What is use of super?
super() method is usually used to override system method of base
For example - validateWrite() method on table.
boolean ret;
ret = super();
//Some condition below
if (<condition 1> == <condition 2>)
ret = true;
ret = false;
return ret;
In above method, first line (ret = super()) will call standard system
validation. Subsequently that is overridden by calling some
52. What are mandatory components in base and EP ax installation?
Base Installation: AOS, DataBase Server, ApplicationServer
EP Installation: Above 3 + Role Centers and EP + Business Connector
53. What if you install SharePoint and EP site on same port e.g. 80?
At a time only one site will work as both site with same post cannot run at same time.
54. AX EP Architecture? How business connector communicates? What is use of
business connector?
Explain flow diagram step by step
Question and Answer
55. Types of communication Adapters AX? What is AIF? What are integration methods
in AIF? What is use of endpoint?
Application Integration Framework (AIF) provides an extensible framework that supports
multiple asynchronous transports, as well as synchronous transport using Web services,
to exchange documents in XML format with external systems.
An exchange starts with a service based on a document, that is, a document class defined
using Microsoft Dynamics AX business logic. The document is serialized into XML and
header information is added to create a message, which may then be transferred into or
out of the Microsoft Dynamics AX system.
Your Microsoft Dynamics AX system is called the local endpoint within AIF. The other
entity taking part in an exchange is called the endpoint. Endpoints and all the other
elements of an exchange are set up and configured using forms found when you click
Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework.
There are two methods for exchanging data in AIF:
Web services - A data exchange in which a Microsoft Dynamics AX service is consumed
an external system.
Adapters - A data exchange in which Microsoft Dynamics AX adapters are used to
communicate with the external system. Microsoft Dynamics AX adapters support the
following transport mechanisms:
File system
Message Queuing (MSMQ)
BizTalk Server
Web services-based exchanges
Question and Answer
Using Web services for data exchange requires the installation and configuration of Web
services for application integration and Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0.
Exchanges configured to use Web services are processed synchronously and do not use
the Microsoft Dynamics AX queues. AIF allows multiple connections; that is, your
Microsoft Dynamics AX system can support the processing of document exchanges with
multiple partners simultaneously.
To help ensure the highest level of security, deploy Web services on your intranet only.
Deployment of Web services outside your intranet requires additional middleware known
as a trusted intermediary to ensure security. For more information about AIF security, see
Security considerations for AIF and Security considerations for AIF Web services.
For more information about data exchanges using Web services, see Web services-based
exchanges in AIF and Configure document exchanges with Web services in AIF.
Adapter-based exchanges
An adapter-based exchange uses an adapter to convert the document into the proper
format for exchange by means of a particular transport mechanism, such as Message
Queuing (MSMQ). Adapter-based exchanges are asynchronous because they involve
moving the document into a queue where it waits for processing by a Microsoft
Dynamics AX batch job. Adapter-based exchanges require configuration of an adapter
and a channel for use by AIF.
For asynchronous, adapter-based exchanges, you configure and control the Microsoft
Dynamics AX batch jobs that process documents in the AIF queues.
Microsoft Dynamics AX includes the functionality to enable connections with the
following asynchronous adapters:
File system
Message Queuing (MSMQ)
BizTalk Server
Although adapter-based exchanges are asynchronous, if you use the BizTalk adapter, it is
possible to configure the data exchange to be synchronous or asynchronous.
Send and receive documents and data
Regardless of which transport method you use, AIF can be used to either send data into
Microsoft Dynamics AX (inbound) or retrieve it (outbound). An example of an inbound
exchange would be an external system sending a sales order to be saved to the Microsoft
Dynamics AX database. An example of an outbound exchange would be an external
system sending a request for a purchase order and receiving the purchase order back. The
inbound and outbound exchanges can be categorized as follows:
Send data - Microsoft Dynamics AX sends documents to an external system.
Send data in response to requests - Microsoft Dynamics AX receives requests for
documents from another authorized system, retrieves the requested information (a
document or a list of documents) from the Microsoft Dynamics AX database, and returns
it to the requesting system, with appropriate filtering and security. The request message
would contain the entity keys or a query that specifies the data that the external system is
Question and Answer
Receive and create data - Microsoft Dynamics AX receives documents from another
authorized system and creates new records in the Microsoft Dynamics AX database.
By using outbound exchanges in AIF, you can send documents and data to your trading
partners. You receive documents and data from endpoints in an inbound exchange.
Send documents and data
Sending a document can be initiated by clicking a button on a form, such as the Send
electronically button on the Chart of accounts form.
Receive documents and data
When documents are received in an inbound transfer, data is added, updated, deleted or
changed in the Microsoft Dynamics AX database. For this reason, you should carefully
consider how to ensure the security of your Microsoft Dynamics AX system when
configuring the Microsoft Dynamics AX users associated with an endpoint. Be sure that
endpoint users are trusted by your business organization.
56. What is workflow?
"A workflow is a depiction of a sequence of operations, declared as work of a person, a
group of persons, an organization of staff, or one or more simple or complex
Dynamics AX 2009 ships with an integrated workflow engine. As stated above, a
workflow is a sequence of operations that defines how a "business document" is handled.
In Dynamics AX 2009 there are two differnt types of operations: A task and an approval.
Where a task can be anything that requires interaction with the workflow. An approval
also requires an interaction, but has four pre-defined outcomes: Approval, Deny, Reject
and Request Change.
Handling Workflows
The workflow component is shipped on the Dynamics AX 2009 DVD and has to be
installed seperatly. It requires an IIS 6 or higher and the .NET business connector to
communicate with Dynamics AX. Befor installing it is recommended that the AOS is not
running with network service account, but has an own AD user.
Dynamics AX already contains some approval workflows. The predefined workflows can
be enabled and configured using the workflow configuration form at the corresponding
module. For example "General Leger" > "Setup" > "Workflow configuration". A
workflow configuration in Dynamics AX is versioned. When a configuration is changed,
the version number is increased. The workflow configuration can be used to define:
· messages for the interacting user
· conditions for the workflow
· assignment, either role-based or user-based
· timeout and escalation
Question and Answer
· messages on events
· sub-workflows
Workflows are full traceable. Each workflow instance can be inspected at "Basic" >
"Inquiries" > "Workflow history". Workflow instances can be filtered by state like
finished, comleted, canceled. The overview grid shows the main instance information,
like name, started and finished date and user. The tabpages below show details for each
instance. The screenshot shows the sequence of tasks and for each operation when it was
started, whom it was assigned and the taken action. Item 0005 was approved by Charlie
Carson from purchasing department at 21.6 21:40
57. What classes used for ledger posting?
There are two ways to be considered when posting transactions:
1. Use the LedgerVoucher class and sub-classes API.
2. Use a journal Classes.
1. Use the LedgerVoucher class and sub-classes API.
The Classes are:
Question and Answer
• LedgerVoucher - Posting {LedgerVoucher harnesses the posting of multiple vouchers at
a time. }
• LedgerVoucherObject - Voucher {The LedgerVoucher class holds all the vouchers in
temporary storage.}
• LedgerVoucherTransObject – Transactions {Holds transactions in each Voucher}
2. Use a journal Classes.
The tables used are LedgerJournalName, LedgerJournalTable, and LedgerJournalTrans.
The steps are:
• Create a journal table record {Table\LedgerJournalTable}
• Create lines for each transaction to be posted {Table\LedgerJournalTrans}.
• Post the journal. {Classes\LedgerJournalCheckPost}
58. What are technical differences between AX 4.0/2009?
Explain new AX 2009 Features
Layer differences, Supports cross company, composite query, Date time data type, group
by and order by clause , EP development through VS, SSRS, Electronic Signature in AX
2009 SP1,site dimension etc
59.What class can be used to compile x++ code written as text?
MorphX has a system class called XppCompiler which can be used to compile X++ code
written as text.
60. What is version control system? How it is used?
The version control system integration allows a higher level of control of the
development environment. All changes are stored in a central database where the history
of each element can be inspected, and old versions rolled back if required. By default,
most version control systems allow multiple developers working on a single object at any
given time. In Dynamics AX in combination with Visual SourceSafe 2005 only the Lock-
Modify-Unlock pattern is supported. Although Visual SourceSafe 2005 allows Copy-
Modify-Merge. In essence, programming in Dynamics Ax with a version control system
requires each developer to have his or her own development environment, with local
AOS and repository. The version control integration in Dynamics Ax includes all AOT
elements as well as the label files. In addition, the system will ensure that unique Ids are
used for all elements, despite the development taking place in multiple environments.
This is achieved using a Dynamics Team Server.
Working with Version Control is easy. First thing you do, is to put an AOT object under
version control. To do so use the "Create" Option in the Context Menu on the object.
Next perform the first Check In and give some description. To modify an object use the
Context Menu again and Check it out. By default the object is locked, and cannot be
check out by anyone else. So remember to check it in again !
One benefit from Version Control is to restore an older version. This can be done by
using the context menu on an AOT Item. You can view the history of an object and who
Question and Answer
has edited the object. You can compare different object versions; And of course you can
restore a particular version.
Be aware of side effects! If you restore an older version, there may be other elements in
your application that need the newer version. Use the cross references to find
61. What is difference between generated and auto design of the report?
Designs can be created either as auto design or as a generated design. A design can also
consist of both an auto design and a generated design. In this case only the generated
design will be used. The main differences between auto designs and generated designs
are that auto designs take full advantage of MorphX, they allow for dynamic templates,
auto headers and auto sums based on criteria established in the query. Generated designs
are static, and will not automatically adjust to changes made in the query or report
template. It is recommended using auto designs. You should only consider using
generated designs in special cases where a fixed layout is needed. Generated designs are
generally only required where the layout is fixed by contract or statute, or when you need
to use pre-printed forms such as checks and purchase orders.
Generated designs have some extra sections for adding headers and footers to body
sections. Beside that auto designs and generated designs use the same type of sections.
62. What is use of epilog and programmable section of report?
Epilog is the last page printed.
Programmable sections are executed from code (element.excute(<programmable section
number>). This type of sections can be used in cases, where you need to print data which
is not part of the query.
63. What is use Fetch/Init/Run/Send etc?
This method is the engine of the report. Fetch() opens the user dialog, selects the records
from the database by processing the query and sending the records to be printed.
This method is generally overridden, when an expression cannot be specified in a query.
This is the first method called. The method is initializing the report. Entities used in the
report are typicallyinitialized here.
Run() is called when the OK button is pressed in the dialog. Run() performs the following
If no generated design exists, a design is created on the fly based on the auto design.
Call fetch()
Call print()
The method can be used for adding ranges to the query after the Based On settings in the
Question and Answer
Send() is related to fetch(). Fetch() iterates through the query records, and send() sends
the records to the design. The method can be overridden to validate whether or not the
record should be printed.
Each section in the design has the executeSection method, which is used to print the
section. The method can be used to validate whether or not the section must be printed.
This method is used for storing last values. It is used in conjunction with
unpack(), which loads the last value stored. However unpack () is not a base method. If a
new dialog field has been added, pack() is overridden to store the values from the dialog.
64. What is order for report execution methods?
The following methods are executed in listed order when a report is loaded as shown
init() _ dialog() _ run() _ fetch() _ send() _ print()
1. Init() and dialog() are triggered when the report is loaded.
2. Run() is triggered when the OK button is pressed in the dialog.
3. Fetch() is looping through the query and for each record found send() is
4. Finally, print() is triggered.
65. What are main classes used for SO and PO posting?
SO posting: SalesFormLetter
PO posting: PurchFormLetter
And explain _invoice class used in posting by constructing above classes.
66. What are major tables affected after SO/PO invoice posting?
Along with sales/purchTable and sales/purchLine , Cust/VendInvoiceJour and Line ,
InventTrans,TaxTrans and _IN(if ind localization),MarkUpTrans,LedgerTrans
67. How to cancel SO/PO quantity?
Go to lines – Inventory- click on Delivery Remainder – Dialog will open – enter quantity
to be cancelled – click on cancel quantity button
68. What will be the status in inventory transaction after SO /PO /Transfer invoicing?
After SO: Issue status will be sold
After PO: Receipt status will be deducted.
After Transfer: Issue status will be sold
Question and Answer
69. How to write off /write ON (stock down/stock up) quantity from particular
warehouse? How to take inventory opening balance ?
Stock Down /write off:
Create Transfer Journal and in journal lines select item and enter quantity (-ve) and post
Stock Up /write on/Inventory Opening Balance upload :
Create Transfer Journal and in journal lines select item and enter quantity (ve) and post
70. What are item and storage dimensions in AX 2009? What is inventDimId?
Item Dimensions: Configuration, Size, Color
Storage Dimensions: Site, Warehouse, Batch Number, Location, Pallet Id, Serial Number
Combination of all above 9 dimensions forms InventDimId which is stored in InventDim
i.e.The InventDim table contains values for inventory dimensions.
71. What transactions in AX 2009 affects Physical and financial value of Inventory?
Transactions that affect physical value
Purchase order Packing Slip
Sales order Packing Slip
Production order Report as Finished
Production picking list journal
Transactions that affect financial value
Purchase order Invoice
Sales order Invoice
Production order End (This will move the RAF and the Picking List transactions into a
financial status)
Inventory Journal (All inventory journals affect financial value only)
72. If On hand stock for item is not available then what setup is required to post SO
invoice? What is the setup to allow physical and financial –ve inventory?
Above scenario, Check the checkbox Physical and financial –ve inventory checkboxes on
Inventory model groups.
Question and Answer
73. What is Bank Reconciliation?
Bank Reconciliation Statement:
A form that allows individuals to compare their personal bank account records to the
bank's records of the individual's account balance in order to uncover any possible
Since there is timing differences between when data is entered in the banks systems and
when data is entered in the individual's system, there is sometimes a normal discrepancy
between account balances. The goal of reconciliation is to determine if the discrepancy is
due to error rather than timing.
AX Path: Bank > Bank Account Detail> select bank>function>reconcile.
In this window there are Print button .There are 2 report one is summary other is detail.
The Detail one show whole information of reconciliation
74. What is use of Posting Profiles in AX? How many types of posting profiles are
available? Where we can setup posting profiles for Fixed Asset?
Enterprise Resource Planning applications make financial entries easier where make the
transaction in the sub-module and voucher entry created and posted automatically. The
integration points in MS Dynamics AX 2009 called Posting Profiles where
identify which ledger account will be hitting after posting transaction.
In AX, Sales, Purchase and Fixed asset posting profiles we can be setup.
Open the Posting profiles form for Fixed assets go to: General ledger > Setup > Fixed
assets > Posting profiles Use this form to specify the ledger accounts to which fixed asset

transactions are posted.

Mostly asked Interview Questions For Axpta Technical Consultant
Classes, Tables, Forms and Methods used to post the sales orders

SalesTableType and SaleslineType classes will get called while creating the orders.
SalesFormLetter* classes will be used to post the sales order at various document status(packing,invoice etc.
SalesParm* tables are used to prepare the data for posting
Tables Name :-
CustConfirmJour, CustConfirmTrans - when a sales order gets confirmed
CustPackingSlipJour, CustPackingSlipTrans - when a packing slip is posted.
CustInvoiceTable,CustInvoiceTrans - when an invoice is posted.
These are some of the mainly used tables.
Difference between perspectives and table collection :- Perspectives  can organize information for a report model  in the Application Object Tree (AOT).A perspective is a collection of tables. You use a report model to create reports.Table collection is a collection of table, which sharing across all the virtual companies.
From which table u can get the user permissions stored in Ax :-  AccessRightList table.

Difference b/w Abstract class and Interfaces


An abstract class may contain complete or incomplete methods. Interfaces can contain only the signature of a method but no body. Thus an abstract class can implement methods but an interface cannot implement methods.
An abstract class can contain fields, constructors, or destructors and implement properties. An interface cannot contain fields, constructors, or destructors and it has only the property's signature but no implementation.
An abstract class cannot support multiple inheritance, but an interface can support multiple inheritance. Thus a class may inherit several interfaces but only one abstract class.
A class implementing an interface has to implement all the methods of the interface, but the same is not required in the case of an abstract Class. Various access modifiers such as abstract, protected, internal, public, virtual, etc. are useful in abstract Classes but not in interfaces. Abstract classes are faster than interfaces.


AX 2012 purchase order posting class
confirmation-        purchpurchorderjouranlcreate
reciptlist-                purchreciptlistjournalpost
packingslip-          purchpackingslipjournalpost
invoice-                  purchinvoicejournalpost


How to show current Date in AX 2009



AX2012 Create SSRS Report using Data Provides Classes
RDP implements the standard MVC(Model View Controller) design pattern.
·                     Model-view-controller (MVC) is a pattern used to isolate business logic from the user interface.
·                     Model: Responsible for retrieving data and for business logic, this can included queries, data methods, or other classes that are designed to retrieve data.
·                     View: Responsible for the User Interface, this can also be thought of as the design for the report.
·                     Controller: Orchestrates the flow between Model and View

* Create the Contract  Class first,
This class is used to create parm methods for the reports, So if you have any parameters that you want to pass to report then create parm methods for those as data members.

* Create Controller class which extends SrsReportRunController

* SrsReportRunController : Through this class we just create the Main method where you have to define the reportname and design and this was the method which will calls the report to execute. Starting point of the report.

prePromptModifyContract :- If you want to pass the values for the report before prompting to user for input you can override this method

* Create DataProvider class which extends SrsReportDataProviderPreProcess.

override the method ProcessReport where you will write the business logic to fill into thetmp table

Override the postbuild function to bind the lookups for the fields.

Report data provider class – processes business logic based on parameters and a query, and then returns the tables as a dataset for the report.
SRSReportQueryAttribute attribute to specify the query to use to get the data for the report.
SRSReportParameterAttribute attribute to specify the data contract class that defines the report parameters for the report.
User Interface (UI) Builder Class is used to define the layout of the parameter dialog box that opens before a report is run in Microsoft Dynamics AX. It is used to add the customization as well as additional fields in the dialog.
Following are the scenarios where UI Builder Class can be used:
1.                      Grouping dialog fields
2.                      Overriding dialog field events
3.                      Adding a customized lookup to a dialog field
4.                      Binding dialog fields with Report contract parameters
5.                      Changing the layout of the dialog
6.                      Adding custom controls to the dialog
To create a UI builder class, extend it with SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder.
· it will link the UI Builder Class with the contract class.


RDP Class Reports


1.                Report Data Provider (RDP) Class

Report Data Provider Class is an X++ class that is used to access and process data for a SSRS report. The RDP class processes the business logic based on a specified parameter and/or query and returns a dataset to the reporting services. In order to create a RDP class in AX, you have to extend that class withSRSReportDataProviderBase. This tells AX that this class will be used by reporting services to process the data.
Two important attributes are used in RDP classes:
1.       SRSReportQueryAttribute: specifies which AOT query will be used in this report. If the RDP class uses an AOT query to process data, define this attribute at the beginning of the class.
2.       SRSReportParameterAttribute: defines the data contract class that will be used by this report to prompt for parameter values. If the RDP class contains any parameters this define this attribute at the beginning of the class.
Both the attributes are optional. If the report does not use any query or does not want any parameter to filter report data, these attributes do not need to be used.

2.                Data Contract Class

A data contract class is an X++ class which contains parm methods with the DataMemberAttribute defined at the beginning of the method. This class is used to define one or more parameters that will be used in a SSRS report.

3.                Table

An AX table is used as the dataset to store data for the report. The RDP class processes the data and stores it in the table which is then used by a SSRS report to render data.
A table can be a temporary table (InMemory or TempDB) or a regular table, but it is Microsoft best practice to use a temporary table.
The type of temporary table is based upon the performance considerations. InMemory temporary table is used when the data set is small, while TempDB is normally used for larger datasets to improve performance.

List page interaction class and methods

Interaction class of list pages extends SysListPageInteractionBase class. Some handful methods of this class are as follows:

. initializing: Called when the form is initializing – Similar to the form init method
. intializeQuery: Also called when the form is initializing – Similar to the datasource init method
. selectionChanged: Called when the active record changes – Similar to the datasource active method.
. setButtonEnabled: Should be overridden to dynamically enable/disable buttons based on the current selection. This is called from the selectionChanged method.
. setButtonVisibility: Should be overridden to show/hide buttons when the form first opens. This is used more to do a one-off layout adjustment based on system configuration/parameters, as well as the menu-item used to open the form.

What is the Difference between Overriding and overloading?

Overloading is defining functions that have similar signatures, yet have different parameters. 

Overriding is only pertinent to derived classes, where the parent class has defined a method and the derived class wishes to override that function.

Methods name and signatures must be same.
Having same method name with different
Overriding is the concept of runtime polymorphism
Overloading is the concept of compile time polymorphism
When a function of base class is re-defined in the derived class called as Overriding
Two functions having same name and return type, but with different type and/or number of arguments is called as Overloading
It needs inheritance.
It doesn't need inheritance.
Method should have same data type.
Method can have different data types
Method should be public.
Method can be different access specifies


Difference between "Element and This" keyword in AX

Element and This points to the same object in some cases and different in other cases.
In a form method element and this are same and will point to fromRun object, but in the formDataSource method element still points to the formRun object and this points to the formDataSource object.  You cannot use element to refer table or class object.

Difference between formDataSource.query() and formDataSource.queryRun().query()

Any form has 2 instances of the query object - one is the original datasource query (stored in formDataSource.query()), and the other is the currently used query with any user filters applied (stored informDataSource.queryRun().query()). 
When the research method is called, a new instance of the queryRun is created, using theformDataSource.queryRun().query() as the basis. Therefore, if the user has set up some filters on the displayed data, those will be preserved.

This is useful, for example, when multiple users work with a certain form, each user has his own filters set up for displaying only relevant data, and rows get inserted into the underlying table externally (for example, through AIF).
Calling executeQuery, on the other hand, will use the original query as the basis, therefore removing any user filters.

Dynamics Ax 2009 Layers

Dynamics AX 2009 consists of sixteen application object layers that contain all the
elements you see in the AOT.
These layers can be looked at as an onion with multiple layers. In the middle is the
core application in the SYS layer and the outermost layer is the user layer USR.
Therefore, when any application element is being executed the system will look at
the outermost code layer first to see if there is any code for that element; if not, it peels a layer off the onion, and tries the next layer. When it hits a layer where the element exists, it will use the code from this layer, and will not continue to peel off layers to find code for that element in the innermost layers. 

Layers with their description

SYS The standard application is implemented at the lowest level, 
the SYS layer.The application objects in the standard 
application can never be deleted.

GLS Country/region specific changes will be developed in GLS 
Layer.For e.g as you all know that Tax structure differs 
from country to country.So such localization functionality 
can be developed in GLS layer.

HFX HFX is an application object patch layer reserved by 
Microsoft for future patching or other updates.

SL1, SL2,or SL3 A layer where the distributor can implement 
vertical partner solutions. 

BUS When a business partner creates their own generic solution, 
their modifications are saved in the BUS layer and the top-
level application objects are used.

VAR Value Added Resellers (VAR) can make modifications or new 
developments to the VAR layer as specified by the customers 
or as a strategy of creating an industry-specific solution. 
Such modifications are saved in the VAR layer.

CUS The supervisor or administrator of an end user installation 
might want to make modifications that are generic to the 
company. Such modifications are saved in the CUS (CUStomer) 

USR End users might want to make their own modifications, such 
as in their reports.These modifications are saved in the USR 

How we can use multiple datasets in a tablix?         

SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2 has introduced a new function called “LOOKUP”. LOOKUP function is used to retrieve the value from multiple datasets based on 1 to 1 mapping. For example if we have two datasets and both the datasets have EmpID so based on the EmpID mapping, we can retrieve the data from both the datasets


We can traverse our collections by using either an enumerator or an iterator.But there is no clarity why sometimes iterator fails while on other occasions it is flawless.Simply what we do is that just replace iterator with the enumerator.
First theoretically what happens behind the scenes is as follows:
When collection classes were first introduced in DAX, the iterator was the only option.Butbecause of a few unwarranted drawbacks that appear as hard-to-find errors, enumerators were added, and iterators were kept for the backward compatibility.


This method allows to check if some Boolean condition evaluates to true and if it doesn't - stop further execution and show stack trace. Debug::assert() should be used to validate some assumptions made in the code which should never happen if nothing is broken in the application. It means that wrong user input should not be asserted but rather validated by normal if statement and exception should be thrown if the input is wrong. However, if the code relies, for example, on query data source name, which can be broken only in development time - that is a good place to add assert to.
1.  Difference between following:
·                     condel :- Use condel to delete one or more items from a container.
·                     confind :- Use confind to locate a sequence of items in a container. 
·                     conins :- Use conins to insert some items into a container.
·                     conlen :- Use conlen to find out how many items there are in a container.
·                     connull :- Use connull to explicitly dispose of the contents of a container.
·                     conpeek :- Use conpeek to extract an item from a container, and to convert it into another data type  
·                     conpoke :- Use conpoke to replace (poke) an item in a container.

2. Difference between edit and display method?
·                     Display Indicates that the method's return value is to be displayed on a form or a report.
·                     The value cannot be altered in the form or report
·                     Edit Indicates that the method's return type is to be used to provide information for a field that is used in  In a form. The value in the field can be edited.     

3. Difference between perspectives and table collection
      Perspectives  can organize information for a report model  in 
the ApplicationObject Tree (AOT).A perspective is a collection of tables. You use a report model to create reports.Table collection is a collection of table, which sharing across all the virtual companies.

 4.What are the 4 types of files we need to copy to the standard folder?
           *.aod, *.ahd, *.ald, *.add, *.khd
 5.  Why we use virtual companies?
     Virtual company accounts contain data in certain tables that are shared by any number of company accounts. This allows users to post information in one company that will be available to another company.
6. How can we restrict a class to be further extended?
        using Final Keyword for ex: public final class <ClassName>
7.Which are classes are used for data import export?
        SysDataImport and SysDataExport
8. From which table u can get the user permissions stored in Ax?
       AccessRightList table.
9.What should we do if we need last record to be active when a form is opened?
      In properties of datasource table set the StartPosition property as last.
10. What is the sequence of events while a report is generated?
      Init, Run, Prompt, Fetch, 
11. Name few X++ classes/Coreclasses related to Queries?
     Query, QueryRun, QueryBuildRange, QueryBuildDataSource, QueryBuildLink
12. What is an index?
   An index is a table-specific database structure that speeds the retrieval of rows from the table. Indexes are used to improve the performance of data retrieval and sometimes to ensure the existence of unique records
1. X++ Maps: it can be used as a temp data store for the given scope of a process. This takes us less over head, and is much quicker than a TempTable. For Further reading
2. AOT Maps: A map can unify the access to similar columns and methods that are present in multiple tables. You associate a map field with a field in one or more tables. This enables you to use the same field name to access fields with different names in different tables. Methods on maps enable you to create or modify methods that act on the table fields that the map references. 

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